Why a Smiths Reunion Seems Unlikely

Why a Smiths Reunion Seems Unlikely

Mike Bell
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Why a Smiths Reunion Seems Unlikely

The possibility of a Smiths reunion has been a topic of speculation for years. With the band's enduring legacy and a devoted fan base, the idea of seeing Morrissey, Johnny Marr, and the rest of the original line-up on stage together again is tantalizing. However, several historical and artistic factors make such a reunion seem increasingly unlikely. Here, we'll delve into the deep-rooted personal and professional conflicts that have kept Morrissey and Marr from reuniting.

Personal and Professional Conflicts

The dynamic between Morrissey and Marr has always been complex, marked by a mix of intense collaboration and underlying tension. While their partnership created some of the most memorable music of the 1980s, it was not without friction:

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  • A History of Tensions: The relationship between the two has been characterized as both creative and contentious. Marr, often seen as the more diplomatic of the two, has had to navigate these tensions carefully. Their collaboration was marked by an energy that, while artistically fruitful, was also fraught with conflict.
  • Diverging Paths: As artists, Morrissey and Marr have fundamentally different visions. This divergence became evident even during their time in The Smiths. A notable example is Marr's refusal to play certain songs suggested by Morrissey, such as those by Cilla Black. This clash of artistic vision played a significant role in the band's split in 1987 and has continued to be a source of friction.
  • The Impact of Time: Over the years, both have carved out separate identities. Despite moments of nostalgia and fondness for their time together, the underlying intensity and differences have made a prolonged, serene partnership nearly impossible.

Artistic Differences

Beyond personal conflicts, their differing artistic visions have played a crucial role in preventing a reunion:

  • Distinct Musical Preferences: Morrissey and Marr have evolved in opposite directions musically. Morrissey's solo work has often been seen as a continuation of his unique lyrical and vocal style, while Marr has ventured into various musical collaborations, each time showcasing his versatility as a guitarist and songwriter.
  • Creative Control: Reuniting would require finding common ground artistically, a challenging task given their strong individual visions. Neither appears willing to compromise on their distinct artistic identities, making the prospect of a collaborative reunion even more remote.

What Fuels the Anticipation for a Reunion?

Despite these barriers, several factors keep the idea of a Smiths reunion alive:

  • Morrissey's Public Statements: Morrissey has openly expressed a desire to reunite. He has claimed to have accepted a lucrative world tour offer, only to have Marr ignore it. While some view these statements as a tactic to generate buzz for his solo career, they keep the hope of a reunion alive for fans.
  • Marr's Ambiguous Responses: While Marr has mostly distanced himself from the idea of a reunion, he hasn't entirely ruled it out. In the past, he mentioned that a reunion could happen "in 10 or 15 years' time." This ambiguity, coupled with his diplomatic approach to Morrissey, leaves a sliver of hope.
  • Reunion Trends in the Music Industry: The music world is full of examples of bands reuniting after high-profile disputes. Oasis is a recent example where seemingly irreconcilable differences were set aside, fuelling speculation that a Smiths reunion might not be entirely off the table.
  • The Smiths' Enduring Legacy: The Smiths' music continues to resonate, especially with younger generations. Their songs are frequently streamed, and their influence is evident in contemporary music. This lasting legacy ensures that the desire for a reunion persists in the public consciousness.

The Bottom Line

While the allure of a Smiths reunion is undeniable, significant obstacles make it seem unlikely. The deep-seated personal and artistic differences between Morrissey and Marr have only grown over time. Public disagreements and Morrissey's controversial political views have added more layers of complexity to the situation.

However, the unpredictable nature of the music industry and the enduring cultural significance of The Smiths mean that a reunion cannot be completely ruled out. Stranger things have happened in the world of rock 'n' roll, and the fascination with The Smiths ensures that speculation will continue. For now, though, the possibility of seeing Morrissey and Marr share a stage again remains a distant dream.

The Smiths Reunion: An FAQ

1. Why did The Smiths break up in the first place?

While never officially confirmed, the band's breakup in 1987 is widely attributed to the deteriorating relationship between Morrissey and Marr. Their complex dynamic, a blend of creative synergy and personal clashes, eventually became unsustainable. Artistic differences, particularly regarding musical direction, also played a significant role.

2. What are the main obstacles to a reunion?

The primary obstacles are the longstanding personal conflicts and diverging artistic visions of Morrissey and Marr. Years of separate careers have solidified their distinct musical identities, making a cohesive reunion challenging. Morrissey's controversial public statements have also added complexity to the situation.

3. Has Morrissey ever commented on a potential reunion?

Yes, Morrissey has publicly expressed a desire to reunite, even claiming to have accepted a lucrative tour offer that Marr ignored. However, some interpret these statements as publicity stunts rather than genuine attempts at reconciliation.

4. What is Marr's stance on a reunion?

Marr has largely distanced himself from the idea, although he hasn't definitively ruled it out. His past ambiguous comments, hinting at a reunion possibility in the distant future, leave a glimmer of hope for fans.

5. Why do people still hope for a reunion after all these years?

Several factors contribute to the enduring hope. The Smiths' music remains popular and influential, attracting new generations of fans. Morrissey's occasional hints and the music industry's trend of high-profile reunions fuel speculation.

6. Have other bands with similar conflicts reunited successfully?

Yes, recent examples like Oasis demonstrate that even seemingly insurmountable differences can be overcome. Such instances offer a beacon of hope for those yearning for a Smiths reunion.

7. How have Morrissey and Marr's careers evolved since The Smiths?

Both have achieved success individually. Morrissey has maintained his distinctive lyrical and vocal style throughout his solo career. Marr, known for his versatility, has collaborated with various artists, showcasing his guitar prowess and song writing talents.

8. Is a Smiths reunion definitively impossible?

While highly improbable, the music industry is known for its unpredictability. The enduring fascination with The Smiths and the potential financial rewards could motivate a reunion, but for now, it remains a distant dream for fans.


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